Seven Chakra

How do Chakra Crystals Work?

Chakra crystals or stones have healing properties thanks to their vibration and interaction with the body chakras. The stones are associated with one or more of our energy centers and their color matches the color of the chakra they interact with.

Much like healing sounds, colors also give off vibrations with specific frequency and wavelength, thus interacting with specific parts of the body’s energy field.

In this way, chakra crystals and stones can help activate, balance or create a healing process related to individual chakras. When you are using your imagination to visualize energy during meditation, your chakra crystal can magnify this energy or channel it towards a specific energy center.

Due to the vast number of chakra crystals, it might take you some time to gain experience and knowledge about the links between certain crystals and the chakras. So, when choosing your first chakra crystal, you can simply let your intuition guide you. Most people initially feel attracted to specific chakra crystals due to their glow or the sensation they create on the skin. As your body unconsciously reacts to vibrations and energies, it might, guide you to the stone you need. Aster a while, you will be able to choose chakra crystals based on your knowledge and their heath benefits.

The Seven Major Chakras and Associated Crystals

The root chakra at the base of your spine is associated with the color red and the feeling of being grounded. When you are feeling weak, tired, or have low motivation, chances are those chakra crystals such as bloodstone, red jasper and onyx can be beneficial to balance the root chakra.

The sacral chakra is located slightly below your navel and represented by the color orange. It is linked to emotions and creativity. Chakra crystals like dark citrine, carnelian and orange calcite can help magnify or balance the sacral chakra’s energy.

The solar plexus is the upper abdomen. Represents will, mental capacity and intellect. Its attributed color is yellow and when it is blocked, you probably lack confidence or feel fearful. Chakra crystals that resonate with the solar plexus are citrine, tiger’s eye and amber.

The heart chakra at the center of the chest represents love, compassion and acceptance. Its primary color is green, the secondary color is pink. If you are feeling stressed, jealous or anxious, you can use chakra crystals such as emerald, green aventurine or rose quartz to balance this chakra.

The throat chakra represents self-expression, communication and truth. Its color is turquoise and secondary color are shades of light blue. If you want to feel more expressive and true to yourself, you can use chakra crystals including aquamarine, turquoise howlite or blue sapphire to magnify this chakra.

The colors of deep indigo blue and purple are associated with the third eye chakra which is located on your forehead between your brows. It represents inner wisdom, intuition and understanding. Chakra crystals such amethyst, sodalite or lapis lazuli can be beneficial to boost this chakra.

The crown chakra is associated with the colors white and violet and it is linked to spirituality and consciousness. It is located at the top of your head and interacts with chakra crystals such clear quartz and light amethyst.